Friday, October 31, 2008

illustrations of artwork

and I would add to these citations from some of Mark Karelson's exquisite political work, had I permission.


  1. i think my work is some of atlanta's best political/cultural art work in the past few years and if it hadn't been for me sneaking in "FfOoRrMhUaLtAe" into the pin up show at city gallery east in 2007, it would also be the most ignored political/cultural work in atlanta. in fact, with the exception of yourself and larry walker, it wasn't even discussed as a work of art, but as a news story. i think it's time to put some of us together in a show and let the "people" decide what moves/inspires them! you have my permission to post or critique my "infectious" piece, my take on indiana's iconic "love" painting or any other painting on my site.
    alvaro alvillar at

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